Essay on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in English

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has a unique contribution in the development of the Indian national movement and in the making of modern India. He had dedicated his life to the service of the nation.

He was born on 14 November 1889. His father Pandit Motilal Nehru was considered a top lawyer in Allahabad. Being the only son, Jawaharlal ji was brought up and educated with great pomp.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Essay in English

After passing the high school examinations, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge University, from where he passed the B.Sc. In 1912 AD, he passed the barrister examination from the Inner Temple.

In his student life, Jawaharlal took interest in the Indian movement. On his return home, he started practicing law with his father in Allahabad. But, he was not much interested in this work.

His attention started getting drawn towards politics. He started working in the political movement and took an active part in the Home Rule Movement.

He also participated in the non-cooperation movement run by Mahatma Gandhi. From that time, he was counted among the main workers of the Congress.

He was the General Secretary of the Congress from 1923 to 1929. The objective of the Nehru Report was colonial Swaraj, whereas Jawaharlal ji was a supporter of Purna Swaraj. So he opposed the report.

In 1929, he was elected the President of the Lahore session and in the same session he declared that the objective of the Congress was to achieve complete Swaraj. In his own words,

  • “We Indian people like other nations also consider our birthright to be our birthright, we should live independently. We also believe that any government which takes away these rights and persecutes the people, the subjects have the right to replace or abolish them.”

At that time he continued to participate in every work of the Congress. He was elected President of Congress five times.

After independence, he became the lifeblood of the Congress. When the Interim Government was established in 1986, he was its head.

After independence, he became the Prime Minister of independent India. He remained in this post till his death.

He made inexplicable efforts for the progress of the country, its economic progress, industrial development, education, etc.

Indians continued to consider him the emperor of hearts. Today Jawahar Lal ji is no more with us, yet his personality is guiding us. Modern India is the fruit of Nehru’s hard work.

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