Modern age is the age of journalism and newspapers play a great role in it. Newspapers now can raise a government and can pull down a government.
They can create public opinion overnight and can make or mar a situation. That is why newspaper reporters are respected by the society and feared by the government.
Newspapers in fact have become the most important medium of expression. It is for this the dictators tried to have the supreme control over it.
The press is the most powerful organ in modern times. In our daily life also the newspaper plays a great role. Our days start with the newspaper.
Newspaper Essay in English Language
We passionately wait for it in the morning. And when it comes, we browse over it with a deep interest. Nothing is more interesting than reading a newspaper.
Our interest is renewed everyday and there is no end of it. Our love for a woman may fade and fail but our love for the newspaper never dies down.
In fact, modern literature is the newspaper. We are more interested in a newspaper than drama by Shakespeare or a novel by Dickens, Our interest is so deep that it seems that we live for the newspaper and live in the newspaper.
And the newspaper is a magic box. The magic starts with the first page. Every page of it has spell of its own.
If you are an all rounder pre- occupied with politics, interested in games, drunk with pictures and well versed in commerce then the newspaper is a real magic house to you full of apartment of wonder and enchantment.
I know people who are reading newspapers for twenty-four hours, yet they are not fed up. They talk out the news day in and day out and feel that they are proud citizen of the world.
Yes the newspaper has made us the citizen of the world. I may live in a blind lane but the moment I open a newspaper, I see the lighted windows of different nations.
Then and there I live in the greater world I feel for the Tamil people. I feel for Rigan. Today I read in the newspaper that the Indian leader is solving the Punjab problem has been shot dead by the anti-national Sikhs.
Our life is full of sensation, thanks, to the newspapers that the life is worth living.
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