Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English

The contribution of Gandhiji to the freedom struggle of India was certainly not that of any other Indian.

There would be no exaggeration if Gandhiji is called the pivot of the freedom struggle.

From 1919 to 1947, he dominated the politics of India in such a way that many historians have named this period as the Gandhi era.

Taking an active part in the freedom struggle of the country, he also guided other leaders.

By adopting the policy of non-violence, he peacefully bowed down the powerful British government.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English

He led various movements efficiently, the details of which are as follows –

(1.) Non-Co-operation Movement –

Whenever the British government ignored the interests of the people of India, Gandhiji always asked people not to cooperate with the British.

His thought was that if the Indians would not support the British, then how would the British government be able to survive here.

At his behest, many Indians, whether they were clerks, lawyers or artisans, all left their work. The students stopped going to their class. Then all the classes jumped into the fight for freedom.

(2.) Civil Disobedience Movement –

Simon Commission came to India in 1928. Despite opposition from the Indians, the commission submitted its report. On this, Gandhiji got frustrated and started the Civil Disobedience Movement.

Gandhiji broke the salt law, on which Gandhiji had to go to jail along with his colleagues. This movement ended in 1934.

(3.) Quit Movement –

In 1942, Gandhiji launched the “Quit India” movement. The British tried to suppress it but could not completely suppress the voice of the Indian people.

(4.) Satyagraha Movement –

The first weapon of Mahatma Gandhi was non-violence and the second major weapon was the Satyagraha movement.

To get his point made, Mahatma Gandhi used to sit on dharna, or he used to fast for a few days.

(5.) Non-Violence –

To get his point, Mahatma Gandhi did not believe in the policy of answering any fight-quarrel or brick with stone. He believed in doing all the work in peace.

They knew that the British government had great power and the Indian people could not compete with it.

That is why he adopted the policy of non-violence and peace to win the British government.

In the end, even a powerful government like the British government had to bow down in front of this policy.

(6.) Swadeshi Movement –

Mahatma Gandhi took out another weapon to drive the British out of India. That weapon was the Swadeshi movement.

They knew very well that the British were a trading caste and that they had come to India as traders.

If he does not have any business advantage in India, then he himself will leave India. That is why Mahatma Gandhi advised the countrymen to boycott foreign goods.

(7.) Hindu-Muslim Unity –

The British made many efforts to keep Indians separate from each other, but Gandhiji always tried to keep them united.

Today Gandhi is no more with us but his whole life will always be an inspiration for us.

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