A country needs the services of soldier. In ancient times, also there were people who guarded the estate, took care of the citizen and their property.
During the Moghul times there had been the Military Force that commanded a great respect.
Since the British government came to rule the country military force became more honourable.
A soldier is regarded as a symbol of power and fear in society. A soldier is the most useful government servant of the society and the country as a whole.
Essay on Indian Army in English (500 Words)
A soldier works hard at the boarder. He lives to his standard and follows a code of discipline. An Indian soldier is not different from the soldiers of other countries.
It is undoubtedly true that he can easily lay down his life for the well being of the country. The moment he joins the Military Department he forgets himself and always remembers his duties as a true citizen of the country.
He is the backbone of the country. Without him the country can’t live peacefully and its very existence will be at stake.
He is always at the back and Call of his officers. He can’t say ‘no’ when he is ordered to do anything. He is never late by a single minute.
He is punctual, dutiful and obedient, active and smart. He faces hardship when at war. A number of instance can be put up for an Indian soldier.
How alder Hamid Khan laid down his life but saved the country from the severe attack of Pakistan. Similarly, Indian soldiers showed great valour in war between India and China and between India and Pakistan, in Kargil.
We should love and give regard to the Indian soldiers. They must be given all facilities. They should be given a handsome salary as also handful amount after their retirement.
Their children should be awarded free education and special facilities. An Indian soldier wears bottle-green uniform. He has a hard duty to perform.
Sometimes he is put on patrolling duty near the boarder. Sometimes he has to face bullet and loses his life also. As a matter of fact, the life of an Indian soldier is full of dangers.
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